Wednesday 9 December 2015


Web services have been around a while now. First there was SOAP. But SOAP only described what the messages looked like. Then there was WSDL. But WSDL didn't tell you how to write web services in Java™. Then along came JAX-RPC 1.0. After a few months of use, the Java Community Process (JCP) folks who wrote that specification realized that it needed a few tweaks, so out came JAX-RPC 1.1. After a year or so of using that specification, the JCP folks wanted to build a better version: JAX-RPC 2.0. A primary goal was to align with industry direction, but the industry was not merely doing RPC web services, they were also doing message-oriented web services. So "RPC" was removed from the name and replaced with "WS" (which stands for web Services, of course). Thus the successor to JAX-RPC 1.1 is JAX-WS 2.0 - the Java API for XML-based web services.

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